Apply to be a vendor

Click Here for New Vendor Information

Before you apply, here are a couple things to keep in mind:

All our events are permitted by the LA County Department of Public Health. If you are a food vendor & you are unfamiliar with the process, please refer to their website for details.

We cannot accept at this time any Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) vendors at any of our markets and community events. It includes, but is not limited to, the following companies – See MLM List.

We have 10+ events operating every week, and most markets are typically full. When spaces become available, we review our submitted applications when determining what new vendors to add. We won’t charge $ for vendors to apply, as some other operators do, but please do your research before if you are a brand new business.

Did we mention the Vendor Info page? It’s useful for small businesses new to events.


Please list ALL products & variations
If Yes – we need the following files: ServSafe Certificate, Food Sellers Permit, Cottage Permit, & Certificate of Insurance
Review the VenaVer Events Market Regulations here at