Market Regulations for Vendors

Vendor Agreement for Participation


  1. “Event” is defined as, and not limited to, any farmers market, community fair, or pop-up planned in partnership with or solely by, VenaVer Events, LLC. (VenaVer Events)
  2. “Partner” is defined as, and not limited to, any cities, business locations, community organizations, non profits, & educational institutions that partner with VenaVer Events to plan & execute events.
  3. “Vendor” is defined as any food or non-food small business offering something for sale at an Event. To become a Vendor, complete a Vendor application at

Upon submission of an online application, Vendor is in acceptance of hereto Conditions, Rules & Regulations of being a Vendor at an Event by VenaVer Events:


  • Events are open rain or shine, & closure or opening of an Event is at the full discretion of VenaVer Events & their Partners.
  • Vendors agree to indemnify and hold harmless directors, employees, representatives, & agents to the Event, from and against all liability, claims, demands, losses, damages, levies, and causes of actions or suits of any nature whatsoever, arising out of or related to any activities at the Event.
  • It is at each Vendor’s discretion to operate their business taking into consideration all the environmental, biological and physical factors that will occur.
  • All Vendors must follow the laws and/or regulations of VenaVer Events, Local County, State and/or Federal authorities. 

Violation of laws and regulations will lead to immediate dismissal from the market. 

  • Only those who have applied for and received permission from VenaVer Events may sell at an Event. The Vendors must receive approval, at the discretion of VenaVer Events, for all products offered for sale, under whichever categories and approval procedures are dictated by these rules.
  • Set up and location is based on Event guidelines and assigned by VenaVer Events. Modifications may be done at any given time at the full discretion of VenaVer Events.
  • Each Vendor is responsible for their own set-up, equipment and clean up.

Go to for details on Event requirements.

  • A Vendor may display only those products listed on the application and approved by VenaVer Events. Any changes, modifications, or additions must be approved by VenaVer Events. 
  • VenaVer Events reserves the full right, notwithstanding any ensuing provisions, to remove Vendors temporarily or permanently from the market at their sole discretion for insubordination, impropriety, and/or incompetence.


  • All Vendors are to comply with on-site VenaVer Events & Partner staff.
  • Vendors set up a vendor booth at Events that are at least 10’ x 10’.
  • Vendors will provide all necessary equipment to operate their business.
  • At the end of the market, vendor will pay market fees, clean the area, & leave with equipment & trash (for off-site disposal) – with the area left the way it was found.
  • Vendors will provide upon request on-site, all permits, licenses, & applicable documentation as deemed necessary by VenaVer Events, the state of California, the county of Los Angeles, & any other applicable municipal entities.
  • Vendors will not use handicap spots – even to load and unload, & I will abide by all protocols established at any time by VenaVer Events & the Event location.
  • Vendors will be presentable & professional with no inappropriate or unprofessional attire, or open-toed sandals. Vendors will be both kind and courteous to customers & fellow vendors. Dress codes are at the full discretion of VenaVer Events & our Partners.
  • Vendors understand management may provide limited equipment for vendor access, but may refuse at any given time.
  • Vendors agree to complete a sales report as provided by VenaVer Events, & abide by all applicable requests for sales information as deemed appropriate by the market.


Fees are to be collected at the end of each Event, or in advance via prepayment for special events, at the sole discretion of VenaVer Events. Failure to pay fees may result in suspension or dismissal from future Events. 

VenaVer Events may alter fees and conduct audits at any given time.


We encourage weekly participation but do understand emergency and personal circumstances.

  • Vendors not attending an Event must give 24 hour notice to VenaVer Events. 
  • Utilize our voice & text message system for communication. When you need to call out for an event, utilize the following phone # at any time: 323-330-4722
  • Upon agreement of contract, if indicated, participation is to be continued for the period established by VenaVer Events & thereafter. 
  • Failure to meet terms may lead to exclusion of future participation.
  • Any Vendor missing an Event without 24 hours notice will be required to pay a $15 re-entry fee to return to the market.
  • On-going absences will cause dismissal from market and require the re-installment of a minimum payment fee to continue participation.


  • All prepacked & prepared food Vendors shall complete the application ( and provide applicable documentation (including business & and insurance) via our online application portal. 
  • All prepackaged & prepared food Vendors must obtain a Temporary Food Facility Permit (TFF) from the Health Department for each Event.
    • You may not participate in an Event unless a Health Department Permit has been obtained prior to the start date. A valid copy must be given to VenaVer Events via email, and the original permit must be present at your booth each week.
    • All Vendors are required to follow Health Department policies and regulations: including but not limited to food handling procedures, storage, ServSafe certificate, labeling, TCS foods & sampling procedures.
  • All prepackaged closed consumer containers of products shall be labeled with the name, address, and zip code of the producer, and a declaration of identity and net quantity of the commodity in the package.
  • All prepared foods to follow safe cooking practices included but not limited to LA County Protocols and ServSafe regulations.
  • All prepared food Vendors are required to bring hand washing sink/care, 3-compartment sink, trash cans, and any other Health Department and Event required equipment.
  • All food Vendors are required to follow Fire Department regulations and provide documentation that they are using a flame retardant tent and valid fire extinguisher, and that the fire extinguisher is in compliance.
  • Sellers who do not comply with the State Direct Marketing Regulations, pertinent State and County regulations, or the regulations set forth herein, may forfeit their right to sell at the Event.


All prepackaged food & prepared food Vendors are responsible for carrying the following insurance: General Commercial Liability, Comprehensive Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Fire, Product Liability and Worker’s Compensation insurance. Please insure proper holder names (when indicated) are added to insurance and a copy is given to VenaVer Events.


Venaver Events & Hunger Action Los Angeles

961 S Mariposa Ave #205

Los Angeles, CA 90006

Description: Applicable to all sponsored HALA Farmers Markets and/or Venaver Events community events; sites, employees, volunteers and agents of each of them are included as additional insured.